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Passes for the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders meeting

The first call will be held at 18:00 tomorrow, Thursday, June 21st, at Auditorio Príncipe Felipe

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Real Oviedo will hold the first call for the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders meeting at Auditorio Príncipe Felipe tomorrow, Thursday, June 21st, at 18:00. If necessary, the second call will take  place the following day at the same time and place.

Those who own four or more shares have the right to attend, as long as they are recorded in the Club’s Share Register Book five days before the meeting is held. Shareholders with the right to attendance may be represented at the meeting by another person, shareholder or otherwise, if they have applied for proxy in writing.

Passes to attend the Extraordinary meeting will be distributed tomorrow, Thursday, as of 16:30, at Auditiorio Príncipe Felipe. It will be necessary to present your ID to receive the corresponding pass.

The Order of Business is as follows:
First. Designate an Account Auditor
Second. Modification of Statutes
Third. Renewal of the administrative board
Fourth. Requests and questions.