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The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting is Held

All of the items on the Agenda were passed by the 68 attendees at the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe

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On Thursday 16th November Oviedo's Auditorio Príncipe Felipe played host to Real Oviedo's Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, in which every item on the agenda was passed.
The 68 people present, plus the other three shareholders represented by proxy, made up 77.53% of the club's total social capital. Today's meeting lasted almost two hours, and saw every item on the Agenda passed, in the presence of notary Mr. Juan Antonio Escudero.
As is the custom, the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting began with the club song, before Martín Peláez gave his introduction. He began by recognising the work done by the club's employees, before asking for a minute's silence in memory of Pelayo Novo, Donato Aumente, and the shareholders who have passed away in the last year. He also took the chance to thank Santi Cazorla for returning home, explaining the process which had seen the midfielder come back to his beloved club.
The explanation and voting on the items on the Agenda then took place.
Beginning with the Ordinary Meeting, the first and second items, the 22/23 annual accounts and the application of the result, received four abstentions. The third, the budgets for the 23/24 season, was passed, with one abstention, while the fourth, the social management for 22/23, was agreed unanimously.
Between the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings, the Board of Directors wished to pay tribute to Victoria Rubiera Seco, for her 35 years working tirelessly as a club member of staff.
Moving on to the points on the Agenda for the Extraordinary Meeting, the application of reserves, share premium, and capital reduction, were approved with three abstentions. The second point, the acquisition of the lad and execution of the work for the new training ground, was agreed by all present, while the share campaign was also passed.
Finally, several shareholders took the chance to ask questions.