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Joni Montiel named April's Jugador 5 Estrellas Mahou

The midfielder was today presented with the award after winning the fan vote on social media

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Joni Montiel was today presented with his award for April's 'Jugador Cinco Estrellas' Player of the Month in the Press Room at El Requexón. The Madrid native was a key player in the team’s good run of form, acting as an impact substitute to great effect, and he has now been recognised by the fans. The votes, between the five players nominated by the beer company on its Twitter profile @futbolmahou, have chosen the midfielder as this month's winner.
As is the norm each month, the footballer then answered the questions that Oviedistas sent him through our official profiles. You can see all of his responses below.
If you wish to participate in the selection of the May's Jugador Cinco Estrellas, stay tuned to the profiles @futbolmahou and @realoviedo, where the voting periods and the next winner will be announced.