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A Book in English, A Book of ‘Oviedismo’

The club, faithful to its international nature, is publishing a book in English aimed at young readers

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In accordance with the international nature acquired by the club over the course of the past decade, a short book has been produced in English with the aim of telling the history of ‘Los Carbayones’ to a young audience.

With this book, entitled ‘Real Oviedo: A Club Like No Other’, readers will learn about the shining periods in the history of ‘Los Carbayones’, as well as the ‘not-so-good’ times. Young readers will also learn about some of the great players of the past and all of the current players. In addition, they will read about the various stadia that the club has used up until now, including a detailed, descriptive tour of the current stadium.

The book was written by James Harriman; British language graduate and Real Oviedo shareholder. Towards the end of the book there is a section of useful football vocabulary, as well as numerous puzzles and games relating to Real Oviedo.

This publication, in addition to diffusing knowledge of ‘Oviedismo’ and its history, seeks to awaken young readers’ interest in a language as necessary in today’s world as English. Through a fun book which speaks to children about a topic which holds their attention, football, the hope is that it will prove an interesting read to many school-age children.

Since the club was saved from disappearance in 2012 thanks to Grupo Carso and tens of thousands of shareholders from all over the world, with a huge number of those shareholders coming from the United Kingdom, English has become a much more familiar language in the Real Oviedo family.

The club's website, in addition to its Spanish and Asturian versions, has an English version which is updated on a daily basis. Since 2012, many British and non-Spanish-speaking fans have made the pilgrimage to the Carlos Tartiere each season.

In addition, for the past three seasons the club has been offering guided visits to the Carlos Tartiere in English to students from all over Asturias. These tours have native guides and serve as a complementary activity for school bilingual programmes.